Portland Village Family Association
The Portland Village Family Association (PVFA) is a group of parents and family members who coordinate with our administration, teachers, and PVS Board of Directors to support family-led school initiatives. The PVFA helps to strengthen community connections and build relationships, supports school-wide communication, provides educational opportunities for families about Waldorf education and other parenting topics, and coordinates volunteer efforts to support the school.
We welcome all family members and caregivers to join us for our monthly meetings!
Each class has one or two designated “PVFA Representatives” who attend each meeting, then communicate back to their class what is happening that month in our school.
PVFA Representatives
(each class should have one or two)
*Attend one PVFA meeting per month (schedule will be posted soon)
*Encourage participation among class families for events and fundraisers
*Send announcements to the parents in your class
*Give a brief update on upcoming events at class meetings
*Work with the Room Parent to organize participation for teacher appreciation efforts
We also celebrate the rhythms of the school year with many wonderful festivals and events, which are all parent and family volunteer-powered.
We look forward to meeting you!
Questions? Offer to help?
Email PVPA chairs Brenna, Julia, Katherine, Kelly, and Matt at pvfa@portlandvillageschool.
2025-2025 Events
Stay tuned for updates!
In past years, PVFA events include:
Fun Run
Harvest Festival
Craft Fair
Teacher Appreciation Week
PVS Auction
Ongoing: Family education
PVFA Cafe Coffee Social