PVS Hybrid Plan Update

Dear PVS families, 
We are pleased to share a few more details of our hybrid plans with you. 
Hybrid learning at PVS will occur on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons from 12:00-3:00. 
K-2 students will begin hybrid on campus learning Thursday April 1st
3-5 grade students will begin hybrid learning on campus Friday April 2nd
6-8 grade students will begin hybrid learning on campus Monday April 5th
To ensure students will be able to be with their grades teachers and for health and safety reasons much if not all of the learning time will be outside in assigned outdoor classroom spaces. 
Hybrid learning will take the place of any prior LIPI plans. 
Hybrid Health and Safety:
Students in hybrid learning will be required to follow health and safety protocols including mask wearing, health checks, frequent hand sanitization, and social distancing requirements - including while outside. Visitors and parents are not permitted on campus to reduce risk. Details on drop off and pick up of students will be be forthcoming. 
For more information on our health and safety protocols, please refer to our Hybrid Blueprint found on our website at: https://www.portlandvillageschool.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=1810509&type=d&pREC_ID=2148683
Families in hybrid learning will have a mandatory orientation session on Tuesday March 30th at 6:00 pm. 
Please see the recent all-school email for the Zoom meeting link
Hybrid Academic and Social Emotional Learning: 
The Hybrid model offers a chance for students to experience math and Specials (Handwork, Movement, Music, and Spanish) in a more robust and embodied way, allowing them to better connect to their thinking, feeling, and willing through heads, hands, and heart.
Students in hybrid learning will participate in live math instruction each day, as well as specialist learning time, recess and park walk. Recess and park walk will occur with parallel grade level classes. 
Hybrid students will continue to receive main lesson/ELA instruction in the mornings through the distance learning model their teachers currently use. 
Family Feedback: 
We will be seeking family feedback on how this hybrid model works for families in mid April, and may use that feedback to make adjustments as needed. 
How do you sign your child up? 
We are taking the information families have shared about Afternoons on Campus as our initial information about interest in hybrid learning, and have been reaching out to families who have not responded to surveys. 
A final confirmation for hybrid participation will happen at conferences. 
If you wish to change your hybrid learning plans for your students, you may reach out to Stephanie Juris at sjuris@portlandvillageschool.org or on her google phone number at 646-8201537.
A Few Notes For CDL Students: 
PVS is pleased to provide Comprehensive Distance Learning for those families who do not want their children on campus! 
CDL students will continue to receive main lesson/ELA instruction in the mornings through the distance learning model their teachers currently use. Math instruction will occur live on site in the afternoons with hybrid students - our CDL students will view these recorded lessons the next day for their math instruction. CDL students will still interact and engage with their grades teachers and their grades teachers will continue to be their assigned teachers. Specialist teacher lessons will be posted and available for CDL students, specialist office hours and lesson posting times will be shifting to mornings to accommodate afternoon hybrid - this new specialist schedule is TBA.
PVS Teachers and Staff fully understand that you will choose what makes the most sense for you and your family at this time, and we plan to support you in that however we can. Our priority is to ensure that that no child or family feels any less or more a part of our community because of their participation in Hybrid or CDL. We know that it takes each and every one of you and your children to make our village work!  
While we know these plans are not as perfect as we would wish, we believe we have found a balance that: centers relationships and social emotional support, emphasizes our commitment to excellent math instruction, builds upon what is currently working, and continues the beauty of Waldorf learning.
We thank you for your continued partnership with Portland Village School and for sharing your wonderful children with us!